Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Earthquakes Today in Washington, DC - National Weather Service Says no Tsunami Threat

The earthquake today in Washington, DC and surrounding areas has many people shaken up, but so far no serious damage or injuries have been reported. Just recently, more good news was reported, as their has been confirmation this will not bring a tsunami to the East Coast.

A report from the Associated Press indicates that the National Weather Service's West Coast and Alaska Tsunami Warning Center have weighed in on the potential for a tsunami in the aftermath. They have said due to the quake's location, centered in Virginia, "the quake was far enough inland" to set off any sort of tsunamis for the coast. According to the director of the services, Paul Whitmore, there are gauges located all up and down the East Coast, yet none of these showed any detection of a tsunami.

This is good news for those who were startled by the earthquakes today. Earthquakes were felt in various states with a part of Virginia as the center of the weather incident. The fact there will be no tsunamis following this startling event should make many families rest a bit easier tonight.

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