Monday, August 8, 2011

Dow Dives 600 Points As Market Re-Rates U.S. Growth Outlook

Aug. 8 2011 - 4:05 pm

Standard & Poor’s Friday downgrade of the U.S. credit rating sparked the expected selloff in New York Monday, but the depth and ferocity of the nosedive was also driven by a fundamental rethink of America’s economic growth.

The rate of U.S. growth “is being rapidly discounted by the market,” says John Richards, head of market strategy (Americas) at RBS, ahead of analysts taking down their expectations.

That contributed to the massive slide that had the Dow Jones industrial average down 634 points, or 5.5%, at 10,811 by the closing bell. The S&P 500 and Nasdaq lost more than 6.7% and 6.9% respectively, with the former off 80 points to 1,120 and the latter 175 points to 2,358. The Russell 2000, a growth-focused index, slumped 7.9%.

Part of the trouble is that many took their eye off the ball during the acrimonious negotiations leading up to last week’s deal to raise the debt ceiling. “We got so focused on the negotiations and the outside possibility of default that we froze and people just stayed on base,” Richards says.

Now, with the debt ceiling issue resolved, at least for now, traders are switching the focus back to the faltering economic outlook. Last week’s July jobs report was improved from June’s dismal reading, but hardly cause for celebration.

President Obama addressed S&P’s downgrade in a press conference at the White House Monday, arguing that America’s issues are solvable and that the cut represents a question of whether the U.S. has the political will to make tough choices on deficits and spending, not whether the Treasury can pay its creditors.

The European debt crisis also remains a factor, but Richards believes the European Central Bank’s move to buy Italian and Spanish bonds is a positive development that was brushed aside Monday as investors streamed for the exits. “It’s a big move, and we think it should be more appreciated by the stock market,” he said.

That certainly was not the case Monday as traders continued a wave of indiscriminate selling that had almost 95% of NYSE and Nasdaq-listed stocks in the red. Despite S&P’s Friday downgrade, U.S. Treasuries remained a desirable safe haven, with the 10-year yield diving to 2.34%. Investors were also lusting after gold, sending the yellow metal to fresh nominal highs above $1,700 an ounce. Oil prices have tumbled as global growth expectations dim, with crude falling to $81.63 a barrel.

Bank of America was among the session’s worst performers, with shares being dumped amid a surge in volume. The bank is facing a $10 billion lawsuit from American International Group over mortgage-backed securities tied to its Countrywide and Merrill Lynch units. BofA’s stock was down a stunning 20.1%.

McDonald’s which reported 5.1% same-store sales growth for July earlier Monday, was down 3.4%.

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