Saturday, October 1, 2011

Van Jones Wants an 'American Autumn' Revolution

Van Jones, President Barack Obama's former "green jobs" czar and 9/11 truther, has a new project in mind. He proposes there should be an "American Autumn" that would greatly resemble the "Arab Spring."

In effect, Jones is proposing there should be a violent revolution against the U.S. government of the sort that has already toppled governments in Egypt. Tunisia and Libya and is not rocking other countries such as Syria. Who needs elections when millions of "progressives" can take to the streets and call for the overthrow of the constitutionally elected government?

There are a number of sweet ironies in this proposal, not the least of which the fact Jones is calling for his former boss, the president who was elected on a wave of "hope and change" coming from the left, to be turned out of office and, if he wishes to pursue his analogy to the fullest, placed on trial before a drum head court.

One of the problems involved in Jones' dream of a revolution is that he is not likely to get a response to his desire to be a latter day Lenin (or is it Abbie Hoffman?). Even the so-called "occupation of Wall Street" seems to consist of a small group of bored, leftist addled young people who are really looking for another excuse to get high and hook up.

The other problem would be what would happen if there suddenly started to be violence in the streets. Far from a revolutionaries storming the Capitol Building as if it were the Winter Palace, the result of these shenanigans might well be something Jones would not like, that being the election of a hard core conservative upon the promise of crushing the uprising.

The same thing happened in the 1960s, Outraged at the war in Vietnam and a number of other perceived injustices, groups of young people turned college campuses into battlegrounds. Having lost patience, the American people elected Richard Nixon with the idea that he would deal with "the kids" as a stern father would and should.

That may happen again. Though, in the case of Sarah Palin, it would be an irate mamma grizzly.

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