Ever since the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum in Springfield opened six years ago, I've wanted to visit it. I finally did this last August. It's a marvelous, superbly impressive place!
While walking the museum's hallways, people can discover or can relearn the highlights of our 16th president's life and death. Several multimedia displays impact the visitor and help engage one's interest and fascination.
As I navigated Lincoln's life stages and crises, I began to ponder the lessons he could teach us. Today, the dull, grey fog of economic recession permeates society. We don't see any lasting encouraging signs that our sense of financial security will improve.
Abe faced grimmer circumstances. Just a few were the death of three sons, debilitating psychological depression, and his chief manager's role fighting a four-year blood-soaked and tear-streaked civil war.
By strolling the museum's halls, can we learn some skills to face our own hard times? Yes, I believe we can: by paying attention to President Lincoln's character and his personality traits that pulled him through even tougher times. What were some of those traits?
Humility. During the Lincoln-Douglas debates, Stephen Douglas arrived in town in a rich-looking private train car firing a cannon from on top, while Lincoln came in like most people: an ordinary train passenger.
An unwavering moral compass. At age 19, Lincoln saw a slave woman sold at a New Orleans auction. Regarding the sight, Lincoln said, "By God, boys, if I ever get a chance to hit that thing, I'll hit it and hit it hard." Many years later, on New Year's Day 1863, Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation.
Ability to work with others who were difficult in order to secure the best talent. His cabinet was a mix of Democrats and Republicans, all of whom had varying views on how to deal with the South.
A forgiving and abiding nature. At a reception during the Civil War, Lincoln called Confederates "erring human beings" instead of enemies. One abolitionist called him on that, and Lincoln said, "do I not destroy my enemies when I make them friends?"
Persistence. He had a losing 2-9 political record before becoming president.
Humor. His humorous anecdotes were legend. He knew their saving grace: "With the fearful strain that is on me night and day, if I did not laugh I should die."
Adopting Lincoln's temperament could help us all.
-- Jim Bauman, Crystal Lake
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