Friday, September 9, 2011

Laurence Fishburne mocks germs, gets sick

Be careful with that trash talk.

Contagion star Laurence Fishburne was all kinds of tough talking about how making a movie about a viral pandemic had very little affect on his psyche -- even while members of the cast and crew became certain levels of germaphobes.

"I ain't afraid of germs," Fishburne said at the recent Contagion press conference. "And I ain't afraid of getting sick. Dying, that's the mothership."

The comment got a big laugh. But the next day Fishburne came down with what his press rep confirms was a stomach flu. That concept clearly tickled director Steven Soderbergh.

"Laurence is sick today, did you hear that?" Soderbergh told USA Today. "After saying that he's not afraid of germs. Germs hurt."

"It's all very Greek," co-star Matt Damon added.

Unlike viral flu victims of the movie, Fishburne has fully recovered. Contagion opens in theaters today.

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