Thursday, December 29, 2011

Mom’s lawsuit: I’ll fix their wagon!

She crashed her “Pathfinder’’ on a Bronx street — so her mom is suing Toys R Us.

Alisa Speller was pushing her 1-year-old daughter, Skyla Price, across Walton Avenue in the toy wagon modeled after the real SUV, when a rear wheel popped off, according to her Bronx Civil Court lawsuit.

Speller said the toy came to a screeching halt, sending mother and daughter tumbling to the pavement.

“I just flipped over it and fell on top of my daughter,” Speller said.“It was my first time using it.”

The $128 she spent to buy the two-seat, 25-pound toy — equipped with four cup holders, seat belts and a superlarge storage compartment for toys — was a gift from Skyla’s grandmother.

The Toys R Us Web site describes the Pathfinder as a sort of Mercedes-Benz of wagons, promising, “You and your kids will love it.”

Speller paid an extra $15 to have the toy assembled and claims the store’s workers did not put it together properly.

“If they charge people to assemble it, they should do it correctly,” said her lawyer, Francis DeCaro, who filed the suit, seeking unspecified damages.

Toys R Us did not return requests for comment.

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